Time in India: Unraveling the Mysteries of a Culture Steeped in Tradition and Change

6 min readMay 5, 2023


Explore the fascinating concept of time in India, and how it differs from Western perspectives. Gain insights into the unique cultural and social factors that shape the Indian understanding of time, and discover how this impacts daily life, business, and relationships.

Sunset in GOA

As the sun sets on the horizon, casting a warm glow on the landscape, time seems to slow down, and we’re reminded of the ever-changing nature of our world.

Time is a powerful force that shapes our lives and our societies, and nowhere is this more evident than in India.

It’s not just a ticking clock or a countdown to the next appointment — it’s a cultural phenomenon that reflects the country’s rich history, diverse customs, and ongoing transformation.

With its rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, and modern influences, India offers a fascinating glimpse into the many ways time is perceived and valued.

We’ll take a deep dive into the mysteries of time in India, exploring its diverse meanings and social significance. From the ancient rhythms of rural life to the fast-paced urban world, we’ll unravel the complexities of time in India and discover how it influences everything from business to personal relationships.

The Significance of Time in Indian Culture

Photo by Bryan Goff on Unsplash

In Indian culture, time is viewed as a cyclical and infinite concept, rather than a linear and finite one. This belief stems from the country’s spiritual and philosophical traditions, which emphasize the cyclical nature of life and the universe. Time is also closely linked to the idea of karma, which suggests that the actions of an individual in the past, present, and future are interconnected and influence their destiny.

The Indian Perception of Time: Past, Present, and Future

Photo by Jesse Sewell on Unsplash

Unlike Western cultures, which prioritize the present and future over the past, Indian culture places equal importance on all three. The past is revered and respected for its rich cultural heritage, while the future is seen as an opportunity for growth and progress.

The present, however, is viewed as the most important moment, as it’s the only one that’s within our control. This perspective reflects the Indian belief in the power of the present moment and the importance of living in the here and now.

Time as a Fluid and Flexible Concept in India

The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali

In India, time is seen as a flexible and fluid concept, rather than a rigid and fixed one. This perspective reflects the country’s diverse and multicultural identity, which allows for a variety of interpretations and approaches to time. This flexibility is evident in the Indian concept of “Indian Standard Time,” which acknowledges the country’s relaxed and informal approach to punctuality.

The Role of Time in Indian Business Practices

Indian business practices reflect the country’s unique perspective on time, which emphasizes relationships, trust, and mutual respect.

Time is viewed as a means to build and strengthen business relationships, rather than a strict deadline to be met. This approach to time can be challenging for Western businesses, which prioritize efficiency and punctuality over relationship-building.

The Impact of Time on Indian Relationships

Time plays a significant role in Indian relationships, which are characterized by warmth, hospitality, and respect.

Punctuality is less important than building trust and rapport with others, and relationships often take priority over deadlines and schedules.

This approach to time can sometimes lead to misunderstandings and conflicts with Westerners, who may feel frustrated by the lack of punctuality and adherence to strict schedules.

In fact like in nature, beautiful things take time, and it play a crucial role in any relationship, it’s like enjoying the way as much as the destination.

Don’t be in the hurry, life is a marathon not a sprint.

Everybody is running, but nobodies know the rules.

The Future of Time in India: Balancing Tradition and Modernity

As India continues to modernize and develop, the country is faced with the challenge of balancing tradition and modernity in its approach to time.

While many Indians still value the cyclical nature of time and the importance of being present in the moment, the country has also embraced the Western time approach in some way.

This can be seen in the corporate world, where meetings and deadlines are expected to be met on time.

However, it’s worth noting that there can still be some flexibility with time in India, especially in social and personal settings.

It’s not uncommon for plans to be changed or delayed, and it’s generally accepted that being a little late is not a major offense.

This can sometimes cause frustration for those who are used to strict punctuality, but it’s important to understand and respect the cultural differences.

One of the key factors that influence the perception of time in India is the concept of karma, which is the belief that our actions and intentions have consequences that determine our future.

In this sense, time is seen as cyclical, with each moment being interconnected and having the potential to affect the future.

This belief is deeply rooted in Indian culture and can be seen in various aspects of life, from religious practices to social interactions.

Another factor that affects time perception in India is the importance of relationships and social connections.

In many cases, social connections and networks are more valued than efficiency and punctuality.

For example, in business settings, it’s common for meetings to begin with informal conversation and small talk before getting down to business. This helps to establish trust and build relationships, which are seen as crucial for successful business dealings.

Time in India is complex and multifaceted, influenced by cultural, religious, and social factors. It’s important for those visiting or doing business in India to be aware of these differences and to approach time with an open mind and a willingness to adapt to local customs and expectations.


Is it okay to be late in India?

Being a little late is generally accepted in social and personal settings, but it’s important to be on time for business meetings and deadlines. Think about the context too.

How do I navigate time differences in business settings in India?

It’s important to be aware of the importance of relationships and social connections in Indian business culture. Building trust and establishing relationships through informal conversation and small talk is often seen as crucial for successful business dealings.

How does karma influence time perception in India?

Karma is the belief that our actions and intentions have consequences that determine our future. In this sense, time is seen as cyclical and interconnected, with each moment having the potential to affect the future.




Since 1997. Sometimes philosopher, adventurer, humanist, marketer, learner, gardener & Business man 🌱✈️🌳French consultant 🇫🇷 with a company in 🇮🇳, Pune📌